Many people think I am
over-reacting that I am so upset about Trump being President of America.
So why I am upset? Here are a few of the many reasons:
1. Women’s
Yes I know there are lovely laws and women have great rights in America
and I know I don’t live in America but in South Africa where there are also
great laws and great rights.
America is a country that has a great deal of influence they are in many
ways the trend setters and this can be positive or negative.
If you delve into history you will see that women in the middle east had
great rights back in the 60’s and 70’s in the late 70’s fundamentalism took a
grip and women went from wearing bikinis to not even being allowed to drive
themselves. Scarey shit!
Now I am not saying that America is going to start doing away with women’s
rights but subtle things are going to change.
When your country’s leader expresses that it is alright to say
disgusting creepy things about women perceptions are going to change. Young men are looking up to their president
and are going back to the dark ages in thinking of women as objects and not
fellow beings with the right to say no.
2. Gay Rights
Trump and his administration are very openly anti-homosexual, especially
the new vice-president Mike Pence who is a Christian fundamentalist, and the
right for same sex couples to get married.
Many states in America still do not have same sex marriage legalised and
Trump being in the top spot puts gay rights back.
3. Education and Science
I have noted with disdain how all science and
accumulated knowledge has been abandoned for the sake of matching to the bible. Creationists are doing so much harm to
science as we know it and to their children’s unquestioning brains. Trump and especially his vice are spewing
this absolute nonsense and ignoring actual fact and science. I don’t think Trump actually believes it, he
was not particularly religious until he started campaigning but he did use it
to get voters and Mike Pence will push the stupid agenda further.
In general Trump has proven himself over and over again to be a man after
his own agenda. He is not a man to be
admired. He is crude and rude and coming
from a country run by a very similar president I know that it is not good for
the young people of any country to look up to person of such questionable