Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wheel him in

Michael is sick L he has tonsillitis.

He called me at work and asked me to make him chicken soup for supper.  Of course I could not decline because every time that I am sick he makes me chicken soup.

Jess was at a mall with her friend.  I she called me to pick her up and I told her while I was there I would buy medicine for Michael and stuff for supper.

At the mall she asked me:
“What are we having for supper?”

“I am making chicken soup”

“Can’t Michael make it?”

“Jess he is sick!!!”

“We can wheel his bed into the kitchen.”

“There is nothing wrong with my cooking!!”

“If you like burned food”

I was thinking of Michael wheeled in his bed into the kitchen and remembered that obese guy that got married in his bed.

PS: They loved my chicken soup.  I managed to cook without burning.

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