Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I cant cook dinner because ....

Michael is going to start rugby practise tonight.  He was telling me this when he grinned and said with a very knowing look:
“That means you will have to cook supper.”

From that look I knew that he must have read my “Dinner Dance” blog.  I swear he only freaking ever reads my blog when he is not supposed to.

I was thinking of good reasons why I cannot cook dinner:
  1.  The dog ate it – (Mm that excuse not only works for homework).  Nearly worked except it would have been the cat ate.  Ginger Ninja nearly had our mince for supper.
  2. Because there are no bloody magical pixies, I had to wash the mountain of dishes and due to lack of space I have stacked them on the stove top.  I definitely can’t cook because the dishes have to dry.
  3. I had a brilliant story and if I did not write it straight away it would have been lost to eternity.  I think it is reasonable that a Pulitzer Prize is more important than dinner.
  4.  Cleo and Col are sitting on my lap and I would feel terrible if I were to disturb them.
  5. My Mom called (very valid excuse those phone calls are loooooooooonnnnnng).
  6. I heard that suppers are unhealthy (true they say we should have our main meal at midday).

Additional suggestions are always appreciated, please be generous and share.

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