Monday, March 25, 2013

My Larmy

Today is my oldest baby's 22nd birthday.

When Carmen first started talking she would walk and call me, "Mommy, Larmy"  Hence the nickname.

She is a beautiful women now.  All grown up and living far away from her Mommy.  On days like this I really wished I had a transporter.

Happy happy Birthday My Larmy.

I am proud of her for being strong and independent but it sucks that  she is strong and independent so far away.


  1. A double-edged sword, a catch-22, I'm sure there are other stupid examples of how difficult it is to see your babies grow up and become independent. But the fact that she is strong and independent is a testament to your mothering. A girl will always need her mom. Happy (belated) birthday! Cheers to you, vivian.

  2. Thanks Stephanie, a double-edged sword describes it perfectly.
