Friday, July 22, 2011

Becoming A Zombie

I like my sleep, I am not an insomniac.  Occasionally, I toss and turn and all the problems in the world seem to bear down on me.  Then there are the nights when external disturbances are the culprit. 
Wednesday night I made beef stroganoff, it was very filling and Jess only ate half of hers.  She dished the rest into Liquorice’s (Jessie’s dog) bowl, when she did this Liquorice was still outside.  An hour later Michael told me that Hercules has a very swollen tummy and he can barely walk.  Liquorice is a medium sized dog so a bowl of food that will fill him is comparative to 4 meals for Hercules.  Liquorice was not inside yet so I asked Jess if his food was still in his bowl and she reported that it was all gone. 
I have started working in an office in the mornings, so I finished my freelance work and went to bed.  An hour later I was woken up by scratching.  Hercules was scratching on the bedroom door as he wanted to get out to go and do his business, 5 min later he was scratching on the door to come back in. 
Throughout the night
Hercules: Scratch scratch
Me: “**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@  you little &&^%%$ (Opening  the door to let him out)
Five min later:
Hercules: Scratch scratch
Me: “**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@  you little &&^%%$ (Opening  the door to let him in)
An hour later:
Hercules: Scratch scratch
Me: “**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@  you little &&^%%$ (Opening  the door to let him out)
This continued throughout the night.   In future I will make sure that the little devil has no feasts.
My misery did not end there.  Our bedroom is downstairs and when people walk upstairs it sounds like a million elephants stomping.  I have a rule that no shoes are to be worn upstairs but people forget.  One in the morning I get woken up by Carmen and Jason stomping and then having an argument.  They were not very loud but sound carries in our house to an extreme.  I jumped out of bed and stormed up to their bedroom and screamed at them.
“**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@ SHUT UP”
Then I went downstairs and got into bed, they were now talking but it was still disturbing me so I stormed upstairs for a second time.
“**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@ SHUT UP”
And a third time:
“**^%$&**(**D@#$%^&**((((&^%%%%&**^%%$$@@@ SHUT UP”
So after two nights of not sleeping I have become a Zombie and if you hear about a little dog and two young adults being eaten by a monster,  that is what Zombies do ok.

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