Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I think these shrunk too much

Our family masters in teasing, we tease so often that it is hard to catch anybody out.  Fortunately I have a new victim.  Jess' friend Michaela is staying with us.

I pulled Mila's (six year old niece) tights out of the washing machine.  I held them up in front of Michaela and said:

"Oh my look how my tights shrunk in the wash."

Michaela's eyes went very big:

"Shoo that is terrible."


"My Mom is teasing those are Mila's"

Last night at the dinner table the teens were telling different stories and the language was not too savoury.

I put my knife and fork down and with what I hoped was a Bree from Desperate Housewives look and voice, I said:

"Please no swearing at my dinner table."

Michaela's eyes went very big again and she started to mumble apologies but not for long because Jess and Danielle and I started laughing.

Michaela to Jess:

"Your Mom keeps catching me out."


"Yip she is abusing you because she can't catch us any more."

Jess messaged me today:

"Ma, Danielle says remember to draw the money you owe her please."

I messaged back:

"Tell Danielle I will but I can't put any colour on my drawings I only have a pencil."

Jess then messaged:

"You are so lame."

To which I quite rightly replied.

"I am not I walk fine."

Then I got this surprising message.


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